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What would you like next?
Hello everyone, welcome to the new subscribers and thanks a lot to new patrons!
Lately I was pretty busy working on some paid jobs (animations and stuff). My Patreon and MatericLook pages aren’t economically self-sustainable yet, so, until now, they’re a kind of “side-project”.
As more people will share my works, buy them, or become a patron, I will be able to put more time in new projects. I want to create works yo0u appreciate, so tell me what you would like to see next!
During March I will take some days to work exclusively on new art for you, so let me know in the comments what are the works genre you prefer…. Photography or Graphics? Still or animated? Maybe from a geographic area you’ve seen in some of my other works…. Abstract or Concrete? Let me know and I will go in that direction!
If you want to check my works, here you’ll find the stills gallery, here some animations.
Also, there will probably be some more experiments on 360° video/images and VR…. so, stay tuned!
Private Event and Performance report – 11/11/2016
Last week I participated as DoPe to a private exhibition/event hosted by a friend in his house.
A pair of works from DoPe (me and Paolo Dolci) were printed and exhibited in small wall structures made of metal and wood by paolo. I’ll post some pictures in a future update. We also presented one of our sphere animation as a projection, on a large icosahedron placed centrally in the main exhibition room.
The icosahedron was also built by Paolo and you can see it here, to have a sense of scale:
The projected surface gave the impression of movement and continuous change, morphing and reshaping itself, with colors creeping around and geometric shapes rotating mechanically….
During the whole evening the event was accompanied by great ambient music created by Luca Bergero. He also executed a great live performance, using carefully prepared objects as sources for his sounds and music. You can contact him here: luca DOT
The music and ambient sounds, and also the guest’s voices were used to change, in realtime, the second projection. Its main theme is the sphere animation, plus a sequence of related artworks from DoPe.
The projection background is more or less visible, depending on the currently played audio frequencies. It’s a realtime video of Luca creating the audio and the rest of the animations and effects are composed on it. Colors and brightness are both influenced by the video (Luca’s movements). It’s possible to see his profile while he moves around, working on mixers and “cabled” objects – his musical instruments!
A wall acted as a screen and during Luca’s live exhibition I also worked “live” on some of the animations and colors.
You can see a short abstract here:
You can see the icosahedron at the bottom center, while the realtime-animated projection is on the right.
I will provide a nicer video as soon as I can get my hands on a friend’s footage. After some small editing work I should be able to present something more “structured”…

Free Downloads Area!
From now on, there will be a Download Area on the website, where it’s possible to get files and stuff for FREE.
You can reach it here or from the menu on top, enjoy!
Another small looping animation as a GIF.
This time I like the fluid motion, liquid effect and the fake tridimensionality… in fact there’s no real 3d movement!
The geometric structure has been create with two overlapping metaspheres arrays, one with positive weights, the other negatives. The negative array is then animated thanks to a deformer, attracting and repulsing towards the center. The animation is based on a cosine function.
The material color is defined by the following simple ramp:
That’s mapped to the surface normal, as always.
If you want more info you can ask on the comments, I’ll be happy to explain more…
If you want to see more animations and give a sign of your appreciation please take a look at my Patreon page and consider making a small donation: Thank you!
Micro Looping Animation: CruxoMorph 00
My Thunderclap campaign!
Please participate if you still haven’t, we’ll reach more like-minded friends! (it takes 5 seconds and of course it’s FREE):
Thanks to all the supporters!
The campaign has been a success!
you can also share it! (
The campaign will go off on May 12th at 11am PDT and you can find it HERE.
“The place is huge and the original workshop is composed of various buildings, is still possible to recognize which processes took place on some of them, thanks to some elements built into the architecture.
The machinery was probably sold something like 20-25 years ago, while the building was abandoned more recently, probably 5 years later. The structures are in a decent state and is very easy to imagine all the people working here still moving around, between workbenches and safety signs…..”
If you like this or some other works I’ve done, please consider supporting me on Patreon and get tutorials, help or custom works in return!